HISTORIC RAILROAD SQUARE ASSOCIATION                                     
Community Benefit District  

RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, April 18, 2024    

8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room, 175 Railroad St. (in person meeting)

Attendees: Mike Montague, Dee Richardson, Pauline Block, Curt Nichols, Paul Quattrocchi, 

Danielle Nelson, Marianne Neufeld, Rafael Rivera, Theresa Tommasi, Tom Buckley, Noelle Hermann, Jim McCallahan, Florine Ellingson, Kris Wilson, Amanda Janik, Marianne (remote)
Absent: n/a

Guests: A.J. Trombetta, Gunnar Vega, Christian Candelaria, Ellen Bowen, Ali Quattrocchi, Jill Moyer, Lee Wright, Jerry Serrano


1. CALL TO ORDER, INTRODUCTIONS Mike called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM. 

2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each)


3.1 Approval of March Minutes

Motion to approve March minutes was made by Dee Richardson and seconded by Jim McCallahan. 

4. GUEST SPEAKER Christian Candelaria; City of SR Wayfinding ordinance update

Christian is working on application materials with Kris and Amanda. The first day to apply is May 10 to change the new sign. RRSQ logo needs to be larger. Confirmed Aaron from Signorama did signs. Kris said a few new merchants need to be added, and Christian will look at locations. There are no additional fees at this time.

5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Mike Montague
5.1 District Updates

The Cannery project is scheduled to be complete by the end of the year. The intent is to get the water tower up. The cannery owns it, and it is in bad shape. Pauline said that Michelle with Cornerstone is willing to do a study about erecting it. The hope is the location will be on our side so it’s visible. The soup kitchen is closed and up for sale.

6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Kris Wilson/Amanda Janik

6.1 Social Media/Merchant of the Month Campaign

Amanda is posting several times a week, asked merchants to send her information to post. The new Facebook page is up. Scan the QR codes for Facebook and Instagram and “Like.” There is a Merchant of the Month Campaign. Merchant Example: Marla is giving away “X.” In order to win X …  Amanda is working on this.

6.2 Updates

Proposed Redwood Gospel Mission be paid $150.00 a month to clean and remove graffiti around RRSQ and help with events. They use the money for residents to have pizza parties, etc. Amanda suggests raising it to $200.00. She is trying to figure out a watering system for the new plants. Can merchants commit to watering their own plants? Marianne asked if Becoming Independent could get involved. Mike proposed that we come up with a formal written agreement that includes time cards and agree to the $200.00 and bring it to the executive board. There is no meeting in May. The next meeting is Thursday, June 20. One of Kris’s last projects is a new Merchant Packet. Please make suggestions and edits by April 23rd. When ready, it will be distributed to all merchants and property owners. Kris’ last day is May 1.

7. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, treasurer

Refresh planters for $1600.00. The Montague fund cannot be listed as an endowment because an endowment is forever.


8.1 Tree Removal/replacement – Mike/Jim

There are new permit rules regarding trees. Need a proposal from the new company. There is a new application package to present to them – but would honor old agreement.  Bright Vue will remove trees on 4th and 5th  Streets. Flo said that it was a big process for tree removal at Chevys. Mike said that Phase 1 will be more costly than initially thought. Then Phase 2 and Phase 3. It’s important to allow enough space for tree wells. Raphael will help facilitate meetings if necessary. Kris said that the new person, Lorenzo, is doing a great job

8.2 4th Street Lighting project – Rafael/Curt

Gabe, the director of the whole department, is being very helpful. A challenge with our project is that it falls within the historic district, and there is a great deal of bureaucracy and end of the street issues  – a lot of work. A conceptual design review is needed, and an application needs to be filled out. 

8.3 Window Display/Utility Boxes – Dee/Paul/Pauline

Dee, Paul, and Pauline met. There will be a new window display in June. There are 5 – 6 utility boxes. The one on Morgan and the 2 in the park are all right. PG&E owns all the others and does not want any painting on the boxes. The committee asks that you take photos of good designs and send to them.

8.4 Security – Tom

Tom thanks Amanda for a list of property owners and managers. Marla’s team is working with their landlord to remove graffiti in the alley. There is a 6% increase in graffiti. Tom’s name is on the contract for Allied Security; need to change to Mike’s name. It will be better to be covered 7 days a week instead of 5 from 10:00 PM – 6:00 AM. Current contract is for 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM. There is a lot of activity at Arlene Francis and the night club in the later evening – unhoused are lingering. Amanda has noticed gates unlocked in security reports. Mike proposed to get a new contract signed and decide later on 7 nights a week and find where the money will come from for this.

8.5 Marketing – Danielle

We are moving away from radio ads. Social media – if we are paying, how is it working? What is our message? How to attract millennials with buying power – focus on cell phone users. What needs to be changed? The way we market hotels is different from boutiques, for example. We need to put together a marketing plan. KPI = key performance indicators. We will ask Eric from TIV Marketing, who is speaking at the mixer tonight: If we’re paying X dollars, is it worthwhile? When one merchant is featured in Merchant of the month, it helps all merchants.

8.6 Events

Merchant Mixer, Thursday, April 18 – Noelle/Florine

The Merchant Mixer is from 5 – 7:00 PM at the RRSQ Visitors’ Center. Paradise Sushi will supply the appetizers. Board members are asked to bring wine, and more will be provided by 4th Street Cellars. About 60 people are expected, and Eric from TIV Marketing will speak.

Classic Car Show, Sunday, April 21 – Dee/Kris

This event runs 11 – 3:00 PM, and there will be a saxophone player.

8.7 Business Development Initiative – Pauline

Anything outside the “park box” is not part of Parks and Rec. Moving forward with updates: Pilot project: downtown trolley, electric “Rose E”, will provide free rides for 12 passengers at a time. It will circulate between downtown and RRSQ Wednesdays through Sundays every week May through September until 9:00 PM for restaurant customers. It will stop at all hotels. It is privately owned and service can be refused to anyone. Connectivity. The Rose Parade will be on May 18 and will be promoted.

8.8 Planters – Marianne

There will be 19 new planters coming soon. Maybe put in larger plants next time and maybe planters on corners can have larger still.

9. Other Discussion/Updates

Amanda asked if board members wanted to change their project, please let her know.

10. ADJOURNMENT: Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:20 AM.