RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, August 15th, 2024
8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room: 175 Railroad St. (In person meeting)
Mike Montague, president, called meeting to order at 8:35 am
Board members present: Florine Ellingson, Jim McCallihan,Tom Buckley,Rafael Rivera, Noelle Herman, Paul Quattrocchi, Dee Richardson, Mike Montague. Marianne Neufeld participated by Zoom
Special speaker: Gabe Osborne, City of Santa Rosa
Guests: AJ Trombetta, Ellen Bowen, Mike Holbrook and Amanda Barlow
- PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each)
Mike Holbrook, Batcave, spoke of his plans to organize an Antiques Fair on Saturday, May 18th, 2025, the same day as the Rose Parade, but with the intention that it would help bridge the activities across the downtown footprint. Current plans to close Wilson between 4th and 5th including Depot Park and parking lot. He hopes that the Association would partner with him and help support the event. More details to follow.
3.1 Meeting Minutes
- June 2024
- July 2024
Minutes were moved and seconded to accept as presented
Moved: Jim McGalligan Seconded: Paul Quattrachi
- GUEST SPEAKER Gabe Osborn, City of SR, Director of Planning and Economic Development: Gabe spoke on the role of the Cultural Heritage Board
to maintain the visual historic characteristics of buildings (mostly residential) located in the City’s 9 Preservation Districts, including RRSQ as the only business district. The City’s study of the “cost recovery model” and the change in policy and charges were approved in March by the City Council and appear financially to heavily impact the historic districts. Members of the CHB resigned in protest several weeks ago. As a result, there is no quorum and potential agenda items are being forwarded to the Design Review Board for review. Gabe discussed several options that are being explored, including consolidating DRB and CHB. The department is reviewing changes in policy and review processes. Cost containment is a driving force in decision making as is the need to streamline decision/reviews.
- Mike asked for additional department contact people: Cleve Guerney or Jessica Jones were identified by Gabe.
- Discussion followed on Water Tower restoration, and review would depend if it stays on the current property or is relocated. TBD.
- Gabe expressed his support for the Antiques Fair as a way to connect the downtown interests
- Gabe commented on the DRB review of the proposed zig/zag street lights. If approved by the Board, a permit could be issued right away.
5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Mike Montague
5.1. District updates – covered below
6. ED REPORT – Amanda Janik
6.1 Updates
- Palm tree lighting –Hospice Light Up a Light event scheduled for December 7th. Christine Pinella is the point person and a joint meeting to be held on Aug 28. Providence Hospice working with Blakesley who will install lights around the Palm Tree and might donate the lights as well. TBD. Details of an agreement to be worked out including installing a timer, insurance?, use of lights throughout the year, etc.
- Showcase Sonoma County – Chamber of Commerce event on September 18. The committee will meet next week. This is the first time RRSQ has participated.
7. FINANCIAL REPORT: Marianne Neufeld
7.1 Marianne reported that the RRSQ accountant has recommended that the Montague Family Trust monies be reported differently and the budget now reflects the change.
8.1 Tree removal/replacement Mike/Jim
Mike reported that the tree project could be done in phases but was more expensive. The Board OK’d the less expensive option. The removal and replacement of the trees on 4th and 5th will be done simultaneously in a cost-saving approach. Work will start sometime this fall by Save a Tree Company (Elizabeth). [Total cost will be under $100,000.]
Action: The board president approved the motion to contract with the Save a Tree Company for both Phase 1 (already approved) and Phase 2, including any needed funds taken out of reserves. Board voted approval.
8.2 4th Street Lighting project Rafael/Curt
- On Design Review Board agenda for August 15 mtg. Jim and Rafael will attend the DRB meeting in Curt’s absence. If approved the City would quickly approve the permit.
8.3 Window Display/Utility Boxes Dee/Paul/Paulin
Paul announced that once the map and other website work was completed, the committee would finish the proposal.
8.4 Security Tom
a. Tom reported that Sgt Barrett, PD (subject to change) will attend a meeting Thursday, Aug 29 at 2pm to discuss other issues.
b. Inferno nightclub has been communicating with Tom
c. Graffiti – the City is looking into graffiti removal options, perhaps involving service club groups.
8.5 Marketing Danielle (by Amanda)
- Website/Social Media progress- the website now has many improvements, mobile friendly upgrades, and improved map which is user-friendly.
- Walking tour map – to be incorporated online
- Budget prep for 2025 – The committee will start an Excel spreadsheet for marketing in 2025.
8.6 Events Noelle/Florine
- Light up a Life update: Dec 7 – on track
- Festivities on 4th meeting -Aug 28 10am at Plaza
Joint holiday promotional activity with the DAO and the Plaza now in its second year.
8.7 Business Development Initiative Pauline
No report
8.8 Planters Marianne
Watering is done by the Mission once a week. Planters need more frequent watering, especially in this weather. We will ask the Mission for more time and encourage business owners to water once a week. Other options for workers will be explored.
8.9 Wayfinding Noelle
Noelle reported that the cost for 9 sign toppers will be $3014.12. Cost of installation TBD. There will be 18 new business signs installed. More information at September meeting.
8.10 Street Maintenance Paul
Paul has been working with Briteview and is happy with their work. He will continue to talk with them about fee increases and clarify any issues. His feeling is that since the company already does all the City work, it might be best to ‘keep them in the family’.
9. Action Items –see 8.1
10. Other Discussion/Updates:
Dee invited all to take the Santa Rosa Historical Society’s tour of the Prince Greenway this Saturday. Info sheet handed out.
11. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 10:22am.