RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, August 18, 2022    

8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hybrid in person and ZOOM DUE TO COVID

Attendees: Mike Montague, Marianne Neufeld, Hugh Futrell, Dee Richardson, Florine Ellingson, Dayna Irvine, Jim McCalligan, Paul Quattrocchi, Curt Nichols, Noelle Hermann, Rafael Rivero, Kris Wilson

Absent: Hardeep Gill, Theresa Tommasi

Guests: Zoom: Pauline Block, Jill Moyer


1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: President Mike Montague called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. Approve minutes next meeting.

2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each) No public comment.


4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague. 

4.1 District Updates. Catholic Charities will move next month into their new building. The provider serving food will remain. Meetings have been held to help resolve vagrant issues. The building has been up for sale for a year, and the asking price is $1,050,000. There will be more information/updates to follow. 

Pauline Block from Cornerstone shared that their project is moving forward to break ground next May. There are conversations between Cornerstone, the cannery owners and 6th Street Playhouse regarding the land-locked property owned by the cannery and options for its use. Pauline will keep RRSQ in the loop with updates and our input.

4.2 2022 Project Focus and 2023 Goals. As we look at next year, $100,000 will be carried over to next year plus $100,000 from last year. Projects to complete this year: tree trimming and Wayfinding, which will finish under budget. Discussion to use money for more important projects next year such as sidewalk repair/replacement. Paul suggested landscaping around trees and grates; using decomposed granite or a material that will stay in place. Adding new planter containers with plants that have a consistent look throughout the area and contract Bright Landscaping to maintain was also suggested. Jim brought up Depot Park development plans and asked what we could do to move forward with a plan. With more park fee dollars going to city parks from the Pullman development project and others, Hugh suggested we draft a proposal of what we would do and meet with the city parks, Mayor Rogers, Jason Nutt and others to try to expedite coordination of downtown and Railroad Square. Curt, Jim and Hugh will lay out a concept and arrange meeting. 2022 Projects and 2023 goals will be kept on future agenda(s).

5. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, Treasurer: There will be about $100,000 carried over to next year with some current projects coming under budget from this year. Discussion to continue to focus on priorities to be completed this year. $30,000 is still available to use on lights. Banners will be added to the budget.  Kris will send out the current year to date budget. Two assessments are left to be collected with letters of demand sent to owners of 514 Wilson St. and 110 5th Street. Arlene Francis Center has been making payments and should be current by December. Our liability and umbrella insurance is coming up for renewal in September with rate increases.

6. SECRETARY REPORT – Dee Richardson: discussed board term limits and need to confirm those willing to commit to another term. Dee and Kris suggested making phone calls to those not attending board or committee meetings.

6.1 Hugh is retiring at the end of 2022 but has agreed to assist as needed. He has sold his building and has relocated downtown. New owners of his building may be interested in board position. Mike will be ending his term at the end of next year when he retires. We will revisit in October and discuss expanding board. Kris will ask for any interest of being on a committee (which could lead to a board position) in the next newsletter. Noelle suggested we reach out to engage more with our property and business owners by hosting parties and a holiday mixer to show the work we do we do and to have fun too. Pauline offered to join planning a holiday mixer. 


7.1 ED Activity update/Events: Kris is working with TIV Marketing and with our web designer to make needed adjustments to the new website. The web designer has offered to design a more user-friendly events page at no additional charge. Overall, the new design is much more inviting.

Kris met withSgt. Tim Barrett, our area Downtown Enforcement officer to discuss issues in our district and traffic concerns at 4th & Davis Streets. Sgt. Barrett suggested we meet with Rob Sprinkle from the City to discuss possible flasher at 4th and Davis Streets.

Summer Music Strolls will continue on Sunday, September 11th and October 9th. A holiday concert is being discussed to be held in the Hotel La Rose event space.

Fall and holiday marketing plans include coop radio ads, SCTP guide and Holiday gift guide. An updated RRSQ brochure is being planned as well as updated restaurant guides.

Kris is working on the September/October newsletter that goes to all property and business owners, neighborhoods, and friends of RRSQ.


8.1 Security – Mike Montague: Things are going smoothly with our security company.

8.2 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage – Noelle Hermann: Mike and Noelle walked all the pole locations. There was considerable amount of time spent with merchants and their requested pole locations, especially at # 3 and #9 locations. Kris and Noelle agreed that Wayfinding has been a great opportunity to engage with merchants.

8.3 Tree/Sidewalk Repair Report – Jim McCalligan/Florine Ellingson: Tree trimming will be completed on 8/19. Finished mapping and identifying where sidewalks need work. Will have map, photos, and cost estimates for next meeting. Curt and Jim will create a policy for what district will do including plan for overall project and irrigation, and what merchants/owner’s responsibilities are.

8.4 Project Review Committee – Curt Nichols: No new report.

8.5 Lighting – Raphael Rivero: Rafael will request a quote to outline buildings on 4th Street. There is $30,000 in the budget and the goal is to have lighting completed this year.

8.6 Street Cleaning / Trash Receptacles – Paul Quattrocchi: a walk around meeting with Bright Landscaping is pending.  Paul met with city staff to address Depot Park – grass and irrigation plus seeding by Bunya Bunya tree, cleaning garbage cans and painting around Charlie Brown statue. Paul spoke about replacement of all trash cans and fixing trash can doors at Americana and Branchline.

8.7 Street Banner Update – Dee Richardson: Banners are being replaced & repaired as needed. $5000 was approved to complete the  project which will  be finishe this year.


The City will be harvesting the cones from the Bunya Bunya tree next week.

10. ADJOURNMENT: President Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:05 AM.
Next meeting is Thursday, September 15, 2022, at 8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott