RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, December 12th, 2024

8:30 AM – Hotel La Rose, 308 Wilson St.

In-person meeting


  1. CALL TO ORDER, INTRODUCTIONS – Mike Montague, President, called the meeting to order at 8:37 AM. Board members present: Florine Ellingson, Noelle Hermann, Curt Nichols, Rafael Rivero, AJ Trombetta, Tom Buckley, Marianne Neufeld, Paul Quattrocchi, Dee Richardson. Board members absent: Danielle Nelson, Jim McCalligan, Theresa Tommasi, Pauline Block. Guest business owner Obiamaka Pistoni from The Datoire Foundation was welcomed to the meeting. She is located on 3rd Street in the former Fleet Feet building.

3.         CONSENT ITEMS

3.1 Meeting Minutes -November 2024 were approved and seconded by Marianne and Rafael

4.         PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Mike Montague

5.1.      District updates – Mike spoke to the improvements continuing on the Prince Greenway with clean-up days and tours.

5.         ED REPORT – Amanda Janik 

            6.1       Updates

  1. 2025 Planning Meeting/retreat: January 16, 2025 with Tom Swedhelm, former City Council Mayor, returning as facilitator for the annual Planning Meeting at the Courtyard Marriott from 11-1pm
  2. Attendee input-. Those present agreed that non-Board members would be welcome to attend.
  3. Donations- Amanda floated the idea of Giving Tuesday inspiring the idea to accept donations as a way to generate more funds. She suggested putting a donation button on the FB and IG pages, and connecting Venmo for QR codes at events. The item was referred to the Marketing Committee.

6.         FINANCIAL REPORT:                                                                       Marianne Neufeld       

The Association will no longer be using the Mission for watering and cleaning up and Paul will pick up the wagon and store it in the back of his shop. Marianne volunteered to take on the watering project along with her care for the plantings.

A graffiti company charges $700/month to take care of tagging in the district. Question raised about sticker removal, wayfinding signs, etc, Currently they are on a 2 month trial. 


7.1       Tree removal/replacement                                                     Mike/Jim

The project is stalled with the City expressing concern about Encroachment Permit and apparently late concern about removing the trees…Hope to start removal by the end of January.      

          7.2         4th Street Lighting project                                                       Rafael/Curt     

Lights are being held up by tree removal project and lack of communication from the City. Frustrating situation, but DC Electric will be ready as soon as the tree project finishes. Discussion re: communication with merchants face-to-face to answer any questions they may have as soon as everything is in order.

7.3       Window Display/Utility Boxes                                                 Dee/Paul/Pauline

            No report.

7.4       Security                                                                                   Tom

            Tom will send monthly report.

All should send photos of graffiti or disturbances to MySantaRosa and also notify the SRPD of any extreme cases. RRSQ has some funds available to help merchants purchase the correct color so that anyone who covers over tags has matching paint…

Major problems still exist with the nightclub on the corner of 5th and Davis and food trucks/hot dog stand parked in front of Stone Mason on Davis. Tom is in contact with the nightclub owner.

7.5       Marketing                                                                    Amanda for Danielle

Festivities on 4th for the 2nd year. RRSQ’s contribution was funding the Bourbon Street Brass Band that marched from RRSQ to CHS and back, including riding the escalators in the Mall which was great fun! Banners cost were covered by the Mall and needed to be replaced, and included a few poles in RRSQ. A new Passport program was introduced and will be evaluated in January.

Social Media education workshops for RRSQ merchants will start up again in January. Thursday Jan 9, 12-1 at the Hotel La Rose.

Merchant of the Month has been very successful in introducing RRSQ to a broader audience. 

7.6       Events                                                                                     Noelle/Florine

  1. Horse & Carriage Rides- starting Friday after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve is a 36 year Tradition and well received by the community. The Holiday Experience includes an invitation to the Hotel La Rose to enjoy their elaborate holiday décor. Volunteers are always needed.
  2. Light Up a Light event, coordinated by Hospice Providence/Memorial will be held in the Event Space at the Hotel La Rose. 
  3. Car Display – the annual car display at the Depot might be an event that can be incorporated into any events that the Mall or DAO might be doing,,,,Amanda is talking with all parties….

7.7       Business Development Initiative                                            Pauline

            No report

7.8       Planters                                                                                   Marianne

Marianne has been overseeing the plantings and locations of the planters throughout the district. The 3rdstreet planter near Sole Desire will be moved down the street because it seems to attract more garbage than beauty in its current location.  Keep an eye out for spring poppies that Marianne has planted. 

            7.9       Wayfinding                                                                              Noelle

Amanda will send out letters to those businesses on the waiting list to fill any potential spaces. Need to find out the best way to clean the tagged signs. 

7.10     Street Maintenance                                                                Paul

Amanda reported an incident of a person tripping on the sidewalk. City crew came out and patched it. Reminder that maintenance of the sidewalks is the property owner’s responsibility. If you see any sidewalks that need addressing, please let Paul know and please send a report to MySantaRosa and include photos.

8. Action Items 

8.1       Budget Approval 

The final budget for fiscal year 2025 was reviewed in November. It was moved to accept by Curt and seconded by Marianne and approved unanimously.

8.2       Nomination for CBD 2025-2026 Board of Directors was approved with the addition of AJ Trombetta to fill vacancy left by Florine Ellingson who has retired from the Board. Moved by Marianne; seconded by Curt.

9.         Other Discussion/Updates


10.       ADJOURNMENT: 10:01am


The Board will meet on Jan 19, 2025 for the annual Planning meeting 

from 11-2 at the Courtyard Marriott.