RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, December 15, 2022
8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hybrid in person and ZOOM
Attendees: Mike Montague, Marianne Neufeld, Dee Richardson, Florine Ellingson, Curt Nichols, Hugh Futrell, Theresa Tommasi, Dayna Irvine, Paul Quattrocchi,
Absent: Rafael Rivero, Jim McCalligan
Per ZOOM: Hardeep Gil, Noelle Hermann
Guests: Pauline Block, Leanne Lenz, Lee Wright
Guests Per ZOOM: Matt Turner, Jill Moyer
1. CALL TO ORDER, INTRODUCTIONS & APPROVAL OF OCTOBER MINUTES: President Mike called the meeting to order at 8:40am. Hugh Futrell made motion to approve minutes which was seconded by Dayna Irvine and approved.
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each) Mike: Representatives from the Saturday Afternoon Club are interested in the restoration and relocation of the old water tower that would be visible from Whistlestop looking west up 4th Street and beyond the tracks. More information to follow.
4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague
4.1 District Updates/Security
A small neighborhood group is working with the city and St. Vincent’s Soup Kitchen as they are currently operating without a service permit. They are working with the city to get a temporary permit, and Mike will continue to update the board. Miracle Plum on Davis has announced their closing at the end of the year.
4.2 Board Planning Retreat/2022 Project Focus and 2023 Goals
Kris reported there will be no official board meeting in January. A board planning retreat is being planned for January to set goals and priorities for next year. Kris asked the board to send any ideas or input and encouraged all board members to attend.
5. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, treasurer
Marianne reviewed the proposed 2023 budget and adjustments to landscaping & security costs were discussed. Marianne moved to approve the new budget which was seconded by Curt and approved.
6. SECRETARY REPORT – Dee Richardson
6.1 Nominating committee update: 2023 Board Slate
Dee reported that the 2023 board slate is filled. One opening was created by Hugh’s departure which will be filled by Pauline Block, Marketing and Development Director for Cornerstone Properties. Pauline brings a wealth of project management experience and will be a great asset on our board. Dayna will join the Executive Committee as Vice Chair. The motion to elect slate of officers was made by Curt and seconded by Hugh and approved. (See attached slate for 2023 Board of Directors terms). Mike acknowledged Hugh’s incredible impact and assistance to the Association. We appreciate his willingness to continue to lend his expertise when needed.
7.1 ED Activity update: The holiday Horse & Carriage Rides/music has been met with somewhat lower attendance up to now, but music and rides will continue through Christmas Eve, and we expect it to pick up. Kris also introduced Lee Wright who will be joining as a volunteer to help with marketing and merchant relations. Kris is working on a year in review letter to all property owners to update on this year’s projects. Demand letters are being sent to 2 remaining property owners who remain delinquent in their property tax assessments.
a. Merchant/Property/Owner Survey: Pauline and Kris are creating a survey to give property and business owners the opportunity to give us input on projects and activities in RRSQ.
b. Marketing: Holiday ads have been placed in the Bohemian, the Press Democrat event calendar, KZST radio and on our website. We continue to explore marketing opportunities and partnering with other non-profit organizations.
8.1 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage – Noelle Herman
Noelle acknowledged Hugh’s assistance in submitting the application for a temporary sign permit as needed to move the project forward which we hope to have approved in January.
8.2 Lighting – Hardeep Gill/Rafael Rivero
The 2 designs submitted to the City and Fire Department were met with some concerns in running the lights from pole to pole across 4th Street. A follow up meeting is pending with Gabe Osborn to review options and adjusting a design that will meet City approvals.
8.3 Sidewalk Repair Report – Jim McCalligan/Florine Ellingson
Nothing new to report.
8.4 Project Review Committee. – Curt Nichols reported on the Clark’s Corner proposed project at 5th and Davis Streets. A letter has been drafted to send to the property owner, but it seem doubtful that the proposed project is going to be buildable due to height restrictions and other requirements.
8.5 Street Cleaning / Trash receptacles – Paul Quattrocchi suggested we add
another day (Tuesday or Friday) of street cleaning to our schedule. A quote is pending for adding another day or additional hours. Depending on the season, our needs may fluctuate. We do have a credit for power washing that could be used towards our costs. Dee mentioned the overflowing trash cans that need to be addressed and Paul is to contact Recology and the City to consider locks. (At issue with the new city replacements is the small openings at the top of the trashcans which are too small for most meal containers.) We will reach out to the Gospel Mission to discuss the possibility of their participation in helping with trash cleaning.
9. Announcements
Kris has reached out to the electrician, Jason Krist to let him know that the palm tree lighting app isn’t working. Kris has updated the emergency contact cards for the merchants. Kin restaurant is still planning to open although the opening date is unknown.
10. Adjournment – the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 AM.
Next Board Meeting: February 16, 2023 – 8:30am at the Courtyard Marriott