RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, February 9, 2023 (Change of Meeting Date)
8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room: 175 Railroad St. (In Person meeting)
Hybrid meeting per ZOOM DUE TO COVID requirements
In Attendance: Mike Montague, Marianne Neufeld, Paul Quattrocchi, Rafael Rivero, Florine Ellingson, Pauline Block
Per ZOOM: Dayna Irvine
Absent: Dee Richardson, Jim McCalligan, Curt Nichols, Hardeep Gil, Noelle Hermann, Theresa Tommasi
Guests: Brad Baker, Chad Hedge, (City of SR),Riley Cavalo, (City of SR),Dorothy Beattie, Lee Wright, Leanne Lenz, Jill Moyer, MaryGwen Neisingh (per ZOOM)
1. CALL TO ORDER & APPROVAL OF DECEMBER MEETING MINUTES: President Mike called the meeting to order at 8:40am. Marianne moved to approve the December meeting minutes which was seconded by Paul and approved by all.
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each) Brad Baker from Sessions Climbing Gym introduced the concept of opening a climbing gym on 3rd Street in RRSQ. A meeting is pending for discussion. Chad Hedge and Riley Cavalo, from the City Parking Division, commented on plans for lighting and additional security in the parking lot under the freeway and possible options for discounted parking for those using SMART or public transit.
4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Mike Montague
4.1 Website service proposal: The enhanced website marketing service agreement from TIV Marketing was approved and will begin on March 1st. The goal is to increase our website activity and traffic to our merchants & hotels. Motion to approve was made by Mike, seconded by Marianne, and passed.
4.2 Approval to change security contract from 7 nights a week to 5 nights a week. Mike moved to eliminate our 2-night patrol on the quietest nights, Monday & Tuesday for the remainder of the year as the patrol has shown little effect. Marianne seconded the motion and there was some discussion to re-evaluate as needed. The motion was passed.
4.3 Board Planning Retreat review: All agreed it was a good collaborative meeting and we plan to review or progress in 6 months.
a. Adhoc/Advisory committees & goals: short- and long-term projects were discussed and identified. Advisory committees will include Business Development to work with landlords and target business options that would enhance the district. Marketing efforts will include the enhanced website services to increase traffic to our merchants and hotels. Parking will be a focus as we work with the City to find opportunities to promote safe parking in our parking lots. Improved and enhanced lighting remains another focus for the district. Long term projects such as sidewalks and trees will be kept on the “back burner” for now. A short-term goal is to replace planters throughout the district and looking at partnering opportunities with local nurseries.
5. FINANCIAL REPORT: Marianne Neufeld, treasurer: We are well funded for planned projects this year. Mike announced a gift from the Montague Family Trust which will be designated for bringing a consistent music program every week to add a welcoming ambiance to RRSQ during lunch and dinner hours. Mike will oversee this project with Dayna Irvine along with Dorothy Beattie from the 6th Street Playhouse and hopes we can manage costs to maintain the program for a few years.
6. UPDATES & DISCUSSION: Paul updated the board on our current contract with BrightView Landscaping services and the need to add seasonal services to our weekly maintenance. Mike and Kris reported their attendance at the DAO’s townhall meeting with Chief of Police, John Cregan. The RRSQ Association will be hosting a similar meeting to offer our merchants. Future meetings may be held jointly with the RRSQ and DAO Districts as issues are similar.
7. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:05am.
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 16, 2023 – 8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott and ZOOM per COVID requirements.