Historic RRSQ Association Executive Committee

Thursday, January 12, 2023


TeeVax Conference Room/ZOOM

Attendees: Mike Montague, Dee Richardson, Paul Quattrocchi, Marianne Neufeld (ZOOM), Dayna Irvine (ZOOM), Kris Wilson (ZOOM)


1. President Updates

A. Review Planning Retreat agenda: reviewed with plans for 6-month follow-up.

B. Website service proposal: reviewed TIV proposal for expanded services to include progress reports, google display ads, focus on hotels & restaurants and target areas in bay area and Sacramento to promote RRSQ and direct viewers to our area. Proposal to be presented to board.

2. ED Updates

A. Future board meeting guests:

John Cregan/SR Chief of Police: discussed opportunity to expand meeting beyond board to include merchants. Kris to reach out to the DAO regarding their upcoming event with Chief Cregan as Mike and Kris would like to attend.

Michelle Gervais/John Stewart Development update: scheduled for March board meeting.

3. Budget updates

Permit fee/Wayfinding: Permit application fee to be paid. Hugh Futrell is assisting in expediting the permit process to move the Wayfinding project forward. 

Marianne to contact Eileen Cleary to identify recent receipt of checks from the City.

4. Other discussion items:

Paul met with the City Parking Manager, Chad Hedge and Sr. Maintenance Worker, Riley Cavallo to discuss parking issues and possible options for parking validation for shoppers. Discussed opportunities to help direct people to utilize City lot under the freeway with more lighting, patrolling and possibly adding to Wayfinding signage for direction to lot.