RRSQ Association Board Meeting

Thursday, July 21, 2022    

8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hybrid in person and ZOOM DUE TO COVID

Attendees: Mike Montague, Theresa Tommasi, Jim McCalligan, Curt Nichols, Dayna Irvine, Dee Richardson, Marianne Neufeld, Noelle Hermann

Per ZOOM: Hardeep Gil, Tara Thompson, Alex Macondray, Jill Moyer

Absent: Hugh Futrell, Paul Quattrocchi, Rafael Rivero, Florine Ellingson

Guests: Jen Santos, Scott Wilkinson


1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: President Mike Montague called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM.

2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each) 


4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague. Nothing to report

4.1 District Updates. 

Guest Speakers: Jen Santos, City of Santa Rosa, Deputy Director- Parks, and Scott Wilkinson, City Park Planner: Jen discussed funds thought to be available for the Depot Park art project may actually be part of a previously formed district and meant to be used for lighting in RRSQ. She is pursuing in more depth and will provide clarity as to withdrawals from the existing account and where the money is being spent. 

Jen and Scott shared examples of the new city park signage and ideas for replacing the Depot Park sign. The board selected a design option 1 and it was agreed by all to use the City’s rose logo and the RRSQ train logo as part of the design. Discussion followed regarding lettering and steel type. Jen felt It will be relatively affordable and she will obtain necessary city permitting. Next step: Jen to provide a draft design to the board and implementation should be within the next 3-6 months. Curt asked if there are other park funding sources and Jen indicated she was not aware of any park grant funds available. Scott will re-work design, get quotes and research possible back lighting which Jim will review.

5. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, Treasurer. Accountant is preparing tax return – budget is doing well with money in reserve. Marianne will be providing a Conflict-of-Interest form which Board members need to sign annually. which Marianne will provide. 


6.1 ED Activity update/Events. Assessments: A Certified letter was sent to Yoga Studio owners giving them 30 days to submit past assessment fees before we take further action. 

There have been issues with the new Shared Mobility Scooters being left in front of shops and hotels, along sidewalks. Kris encouraged anyone to call “Hello Birds” or the City with issues. Hello Bird has been responsive to calls. Contact numbers will be sent out to all.

Kris and Tanya from the Welcome Center, met with Josh Carstensen, City /facilities regarding cleaning responsibilities around the Depot. Josh will assist in getting the doors and window frames painted. Mike shared that he has additional light strings and bulbs to replace any damaged ones around the Depot.

The next “Sunday Music Stroll” is scheduled for August 14th. Kris reported that we’ve received a $2500 sponsorship from Mechanics Bank and is looking for additional music sponsors to cover costs of these events.

Tara Thompson, City Arts & Events has let us know that the brass Charlie Brown/Snoopy statue in Depot Park is scheduled to be cleaned this month. 

6.2 Website Redesign – Alex Macondray from TIV demonstrated the new design and asked for input from the board for any changes or adjustments.  One new feature will be a live Instagram/Facebook feed which will update every day. The board was encouraged to look at the new design at: www.dev.railroadsquare.net and send any comments to Kris.


7.1 Security – Mike. There is an uptick with graffiti and we’re trying to get it under control. Mike met with Catholic Charities and the 7th Street neighborhood and also had a meeting with Tim Barrett, the new Sgt. on our beat. It’s hoped to have police patrol the area more often. Mike reported that the use permit has expired at St. Vincent’s: there is a security guard in front of the building, but the system doesn’t seem to be working well as the guard doesn’t actually have a work order and coverage needs to be more structured.
Noelle reported that Chevy’s has security cameras in place now, and the family is working on cleaning and improving the exterior of the building.

7.2 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage – Noelle Hermann. Signs will start to go into the ground hopefully in August for this first phase. Pole #9 by Old Town Furniture is oversold, so another pole will be added across the street near the Depot on Wilson & 4th St. There will be some blank signs at first, but the committee will work on filling them up.

7.3 Tree / Sidewalk Repair Report – Jim McCalligan/Florine Ellingson. With the last phase, we remain within budget. Tree trimming on 4th and 5th Streets has been completed. Curt and Jim met with Jared (Bright View Landscaping) with a map of extra tree work needed. The contract just needs to be signed and scheduled. Next steps will be to look at what needs to be done next year. Marianne reported that two trees were cut down in front of her property. Jim will follow up with Jared. 

Sidewalks: Jim and Curt are in process of putting a map together marking areas that need attention. Some sections need to be completely removed/replaced and there are accessibility issues. The section on 4th Street is much bigger project and fraught with problems causing drainage issues to businesses. Photos are being taken and given to contractors for bids. There will need to be a plan to spread costs fairly. Some businesses have paid to replace sidewalks on their own and some property owners do not have financial resources to take on costly repair/replacement. It was noted that the property owner is responsible if someone trips in front of his/her business. The project will have to be more comprehensive and possibly done in phases.

7.4 Project Review Committee. – Curt Nichols. No new project.

7.5 Lighting – Hardeep Gill/Rafael Rivero. In Depot Park, tree lights have been replaced with smaller bulbs and the wrapping looks more uniform. 

7.6 Street Cleaning / Trash receptacles – Paul Quattrocchi. No report.

7.7 Street Banner update – Dee Richardson. Stalled due to Covid

8. ANNOUNCEMENTS – Dee reported that a Whistle Stop dealer was hit in the crosswalk at 4th and Davis recently. The intersection is continually an issue with people running the stop sign/lights. Kris will reach out to Rob Sprinkle to bring to his attention and to explore data on traffic issues in the area. Mike suggested AC Marriott needs to be made aware to keep visitors apprised to use caution crossing the streets in the intersection.

9. ADJOURNMENT: President Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:10 AM.
Next meeting is Thursday, August 18, 2022, at 8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott