RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, June 16,2022    

8:30 AM – In person: Courtyard Marriott Hotel; 175 Railroad Street

Members present: Mike Montague, Marianne Neufeld, Curt Nichols, Dayna Irvine, Theresa Tommasi, Jim McCalligan, Hugh Futrell, Kris Wilson

Per Zoom: Dee Richardson, Noelle Hermann, Florine Ellingson, Paul Quattrocchi

Absent: Rafael Rivero, Hardeep Gil

Guests: Jill Moyer, Tanya Rainey, Lee Dibble (Per Zoom)


1. CALL TO ORDER: President Mike Montague called the meeting to order at 8:40am. Motion to approve May 19board meeting minutes was made by Curt Nichols; seconded by Dayna Irvine.

2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each) Tanya Rainey, Visitors Center provided an update of opening date by 7/1 and staffing for the Visitors Center.


4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Mike Montague: no update: see AdHoc reports

4.1 District updates

5. FINANCIAL REPORT: Marianne Neufeld, treasurer: reviewed revenue received from Wayfinding Signage and past assessment fees.

5.2 Assessment fee -Past due Payment commitment letter was approved to send to Arlene Francis Center. Kris to continue to reach out to Yoga Studio with letter of demand to follow.


6.1 ED Activity update/Events: Kris, Mike and Rafael met with Jen Santos, City of SR, Parks & Recreation and shared the city’s suggested sign design for Depot Park. Jim suggested we revise with our design and logo to reflect historic element. Curt and Jim to make revisions in the sign design incorporating a train logo to send to Jen Santos to hopefully add to an existing project to move this long-awaited signage forward. Jen will attend our July board meeting to provide an update on projects and processes.

Events: Kris has made a request for summer music stroll sponsorships to help support the local talents. “Second Sunday Summer Music Strolls” will start on July 10th and continue through October 9th with music and family entertainment in Depot Park and Railroad Square.

Follow-up discussion of the June 13th music festival: Paul suggested we survey our merchants to get input on their interest in participation and what/if any benefit is seen from this type of events. The festival was met with mostly positive reviews but there were comments regarding number of streets that were blocked and not enough trash receptacles. It was also suggested to get our restaurants more involved. Kris to schedule meeting with event producer, Josh Windmuller to follow up.

6.2 Website Redesign: The redesign is in final approval stages and will be presented to the board by next meeting. Mike reported that it has good energy with many photos. It was noted that future modifications can be made if needed.


7.1 Security – Mike reported that he’s met with the Redwood Gospel Mission director, Chris Keyes as there has been an increase in loitering in the area. Improvements are being made on their guest services and outreach. It was noted that when meals are served, there’s an increase in loitering/sleeping on the streets. Mike has a meeting pending with Jennilynn Holmes with Catholic Charities & West End Neighborhood to discuss plans for services at their new facility. Plans to Invite InResponse  representative  to a future board meeting.

7.2 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage – Noelle Hermann: The Wayfinding signage program has been very successful with 37 business participating so far. Artwork is being collected and the committee will be finalizing placement of business signage to submit to the sign maker. Noelle acknowledged the work of the committee in tracking, collecting art and payments. This has also been a positive communication opportunity with our merchants.

7.3 Tree/ Sidewalk repair Report- Jim McCalligan/Florine Ellingson: The trees are looking much better throughout the district. Mike and Jim will revisit the tree map to determine where additional trimming is needed.

7.4 Project Review Committee – Curt Nichols: No report

7.5 Lighting- Hardeep Gill/Rafael Rivero: No Update.

7.6 Street Cleaning / Trash receptacles-Paul Quattrocchi:  No report

7.7 Street Banner update: Dee Richardson & Paul Quattrocchi: A meeting is pending with the banner guy for replacement and repair work that needs to be done.  The board approved additional funds if needed to complete this project. Paul also suggested we plan another volunteer day for painting the light poles. Kris will reach out to James Castro for city assistance from their volunteer program.

8. Announcements: The “doggie station” has been installed in Depot Park.  Paul and Kris will monitor bag replacement.

Kris to draft memo to board to begin planning for next year’s slate of officers.

9. Adjournment: Mike adjourned the meeting at 9:40am.

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 20, 2022 – 8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott