RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, June 17, 2021    


Present: Mike Montague, Dee Richardson, Jim McCalligan, Marianne Neufeld, Curt Nichols, Noelle Hermann, Paul Quatrocci, Kris Wilson

Absent: Larry Silver, Theresa Tomassi, Florine Ellingson, Hardeep Gill

Guests: Brad Calkins


1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: President Mike Montague called the meeting to order at 8:35am.

2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each. Comments from the public will be allowed on all agenda items at the time each item is addressed.) There were no public comments.


3.1 Approval of May 20, 2021, Board Minutes: Noelle moved to approve minutes which was seconded by Curt Nichols. Motion was approved.

4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Mike Montague

4.1 Depot Park Clean-up/Gospel Mission: Volunteers from the Mission have been picking up trash in the district. A meeting with the Mission is pending to discuss their upcoming programs and how they best benefit the district. Mike also reported the Greenway is showing some increase in littering. 

4.2 Homeless encampments: Previous encampments have been cleared from the Cannery with help from the City.

4.3 Graffiti removal: the City has done some cleaning and has assisted with graffiti painting on West 3rd and at the Bike Monkey. The brick at the Cannery and Arlene Francis Center remains a problem. Discussion followed to create a consistent plan to assist property owners with removal costs. It was agreed that assistance go to painting only (not brick treating) and for property owners to be encouraged to take photos, file a police report and request assistance for paint. Mike moved to implement an assistance plan whereas property owners are to submit a photo and request reimbursement for materials/paint for removing graffiti. The motion was seconded by Marianne Neufeld and passed.

5. FINANCIAL REPORT: Marianne Neufeld, treasurer: Security expenses for May are not reflected on current budget report.


6.1 Property Assessment Billing update – Rafael Rivero reported $16,057 in delinquent CBD assessment fees with efforts being made to contact property owners for collection. Second billings for Q3-Q4 will be going out July 1 from the City.  A Transfer process to the County Assessor is in place for the Q1 & Q2 December billing.  A meeting is pending with Eileen Cleary, City staff for updated assessment income report.

6.2 City of SR Parklet Meeting update: the City is working on implementing a permanent parklet program and is requesting input from our merchants as well as participation from the RRSQ Association as results impact all business in our district. It was noted that 4th Street is more complicated as parklets could cause difficulty for property owners to lease empty buildings. The City is conducting a study session on Tuesday, June 22nd – Rafael to confirm date and time.

6.2 Events in RRSQ – call out for volunteers: Kris is working on a “Summer Music stroll in RRSQ” to start on Sunday, July 18th from 1-4pm with participation from student artists and musicians from CHOPS Teen Club.  Musicians will be staged throughout RRSQ with a student art show in Depot Park. Kris will be sending a call out for local music groups and volunteers to help. The goal is to continue a monthly music stroll through October.


7.1 Security – Larry Silver/Mike: Our all- night Security is showing positive results with the Cannery looking better with fewer tents & encampments. Mike suggested we re-visit the 2 alternate “pass through” nights to evaluate how effective those nights are in identifying potential problem areas.

7.2 Wayfinding signs – Noelle Hermann:  Alternative ways of design are being explored for a most cost-effective plan. The Downtown CBD is interested in collaborating efforts. Curt brought up that Design Review may not be required as the “street palate” had been adopted in the city policy some time ago.  Kris and Mike to attend a Design review meeting  scheduled for June 29th.

7.3 Tree Report- Jim McCalligan: A proposal has been received from NorthWestern General Engineering that combines both tree and concrete work under one contractor who would coordinate the entire project. The bid included replacement of trees, curb, gutter and sidewalk repair.  Discussion to re-prioritize work to be done on 4th street (as opposed to 5th Street) as it is more widely used and to explore assistance/costs from property owners. Jim to obtain additional bids & establish percentage of costs before presenting a plan to business & property owners. Rafael to identify possible city funding or grants and will reach out to City Staff, Jason Nutt and Robb Sprinkle. Possible scenario could be matching grant with funds from property owners. Communication to property owners by letter or e-mail to explain the proposed project would be followed by a discussion meeting for buy in and input.

7.4 Street Cleaning / Trash receptacles-Paul Quattrocci: Painting project for bollards is in process. Rafael will coordinate volunteer team to paint. Weed abatement in Depot Park is also in process with assistance from James Castro from Parks & Rec. Need to confirm that Tree trimming in Depot Park remains in the que to be done.

7.5 Project Review Committee – Curt Nichols: The project committee met to review years-old art & landscape project in Depot Park. Committee came to agreement for smaller benches with art images imbedded to be placed around Palm Tree and Charlie Brown statue. There was support for the design of a linear walk to the Bunya Bunya tree. With budget constraints, replacing trees around the perimeter of the park, installing benches would be proposed scope of work. We will be following up with Tara Thompson and Jen Santos, City staff for any potential fund assistance with the tree replacement and re-visit what electrical work needs to be done. 

7.6 Lighting- Hardeep Gill/Rafael Rivero: A meeting with the City electrician is pending to discuss scope of work for repairs of lighting in Depot Park and evaluate street lighting.


Banner project: Identify those to be replaced, repaired

General Plan Update from the City of SR

Water use Efficiency Collaboration program

9. ADJOURNMENT: Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:35am


Meet with Brad Calkins for update on Welcome Center re-opening and cleaning around Depot.

Goal setting: What can we expect to accomplish this year?

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 15, 2021 – 8:30 AM in person at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel