Community Benefit District
RRSQ Association Meeting: Thursday, June 20, 2024
Courtyard Marriott – 8:30 AM
ATTENDEES: Paul Quattrocchi, Tom Buckley, Marianne Neufeld, Jim McCalligan, Dee Richardson, Mike Montague, Danielle Nelson. Guests: AJ Trombetta, Ali Quattrocchi, Gunter Anderson, Jerry Wilson
- CALL TO ORDER/INTRODUCTIONS- Meeting delayed due to lack of quorum. Opened by 8:45 when quorum attained.
- CONSENT ITEMS – Minutes available July 18, 2024
- President’s Report: Mike Montague-District Updates
- Star painted by ArtStart with help from Chops, Mario Arubi and City grant. This was Phase 1 of 4. Mosaics will replace damaged bench.
- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT: Amanda Janik-District Updates
- Merchant of the Month – Marla Bakery was the first business to participate. Very successful and positive experience with a 150% engagement on Instagram. Bike Partners will be Merchant in July.
- Summer Music series- looking for sponsors for musicians. Please consider it. Friday and Saturday evenings are funded by the Montague Family Trust and the Sunday series are funded by the Association.
- Wayfinding application submitted. RRSQ sign will be changed out to larger size per new requirements.
- The Board has been invited to a special tour of the Cannery. Contact Dee if you are interested in attending.
- Paul updated Brightview’s responsibilities: hardscape, cleaning, picking up trash, some pruning, leaves, weeds, etc. They come Friday mornings every week. Staffing has apparently been a problem lately and Paul has been meeting with them to sort it out. In addition there are 3 months in winter/spring when extra cleaning will take place. Danielle mentioned a company called ReVine.
- FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld
- Marianne mentioned a discovery re: on-line social media/advertising handled by TIV that did not actually happen. RRSQ will have a $2200 credit for services going forward.
- Association finances are within budget and assessment funds on time.
- Mike reported that the Prince Greenway Committee (not a 501©3c) wants to write grants but does not have a formal repository for the funds and is looking at various options, including the possibility of RRSQ acting as a fiduciary sponsor. Discussion focused on the legality of a CBD acting in that manner for a community group. Funneling funds through RRSQ could be a real perception challenge. It was suggested that the Greenway group pursue other options including partnering with the City.
- 7.1 – Tree project – Mike
Brightview is no longer doing tree work and RRSQ will be switching to their recommended company who will honor the same bid. Curt’s full report was sent separately to the board on June 17, 2024.
- 7.2 Street Lighting Project – Curt submitted the application to the Cultural Heritage Board for their review and was given tentative dates. Curt suggested that board members might want to attend the meeting in support of the project. He will be presenting photos of similar lights in San Rafael and also photo details submitted by DC Electric in a power point presentation during the meeting.
- 7.3 Utility Boxes/Window map – Pauline
It was suggested that we contact Mario Urubi (Artstart) with suggestions for artwork,etc. More information is needed for the window map replacement project including a revised map on the website, especially for mobile users. In addition we should review the existing historic window slicks to make sure they are in order.
- 7.4 Security – Tom
Tom has been using MySantaRosa to report issues on 5th Street with good results. The Redwood Gospel Mission crew has started 1x/week general cleanup with supplies provided by the City. Any utility boxes owned by the City will also be cleaned.
Tom will follow up with RRSQ security about their bill.
- 7.5 Marketing Updates: Danielle
The committee will be reviewing the website with TIV for edits and encourage merchants to review their listings for accuracy and additions.
The committee launched noontime free workshops for RRSQ merchants for social media advice and assistance. Next meeting will be held July 15.
Next steps to discuss Holiday marketing initiative.
- 7.6 Events Noelle, Flo
The RRSQ Summer Mixer will be held at the Hotel La Rose event space. A representative from the Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Development program will be the guest speaker. There was also a discussion about Visit Santa Rosa’s visual Guide to Santa Rosa and that RRSQ should consider upping our Chamber dues in order to be included in that. There was full support for that.
- 7.7 Business Development Initiative – no report
- 7.8 Planters Marianne
Planters are out of stock. The Mission will start watering existing planters and cleaning up trash cans, etc once a week. RRSQ provided a wagon and buckets, etc
- 7.9 Other discussion/updates
The DAO is working with the Chamber to present a document to the City re: high vacancies and causes, parking issues and costs, permitting issues and other impediments to fostering a successful business climate. They plan to present their findings and goals to mitigate the barriers that the greater downtown faces.
Re: PF Changs, hand, and parking. The parking is not connected to PF Changs, but has been planned for several years and the decision was made to complete it along with the work that will be happening already for PF Changs. The intention is for parking to be free, with more handicap accessibility, possible valet service, etc. Danielle is attending a zoning meeting on July 11th regarding the hand, parking, and PF Changs, at the city council chamber.
Next meeting: Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 8:30 AM at the Courtyard Marriott