Historic Railroad Square Association

Executive Committee

Thursday, June 8, 2023

8:30 am at The Depot + per ZOOM

Mike Montague, Dayna Irvine, Kris Wilson, Marianne Neufeld & Dee Richardson (per ZOOM)

Absent: Paul Quattrocchi

  1. Financial update Marianne

    a. Allied Security annual rate increase discussed. 

Sponsorships received: $2500 from Umpqua Bank to go towards the Holiday Carriage Rides.

$250 received from Beyers Costin for the Music in the Air. 

Increase in BrightView Landscaping to be clarified with Paul.

  1. Board “Half year” retreat to discuss. Kris to get meeting with Tom Schwedhelm regarding possible facilitating.
  2. Board Succession discussion: Leadership changes for 2024 to be bulk of planning retreat time.
  1. Summer Music Dayna/Mike
  2. Summer Music in the Air Series Kris/Dayna: Music Starting Sunday, June 18th through August 27th. Montague Music in the Air to start Thursday, June 15th from noon -2pm and every Friday and Saturday from 5-7pm through summer. Kris to request TIV create a landing page for easy access to calendar of musicians. Kris to also check with SMART for possible addition of our music series to the platform ad.
  1. Wayfinding status: Committee to meet to plan phase 2 of the project and decide costs for any sign replacement, and any out of district merchants. Mike suggests “trade” signage for the Visitor’s Center, SMART and others.
  1. Other Discussion

Planters: Marianne to check with Rafael to see if permitting will be required to replace existing planters throughout the district.

Dayna reported that Aroma’s recently hosted “Coffee with the Cops” which was very well received. The CHP will be hosted on June 20th from 8:30-10:30.

Meeting was adjourned at 10am.