RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, March 21, 2024
8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room, 175 Railroad St. (in person meeting)
Attendees: Dee Richardson, Marianne Neufeld, Rafael Rivero, Theresa Tommasi, Tom Buckley, Noelle Hermann, Jim McCallahan, Florine Ellingson, Kris Wilson, Amanda Janik
Absent: Mike Montague, Pauline Block, Curt Nichols, Paul Quattrocchi, Danielle Nelson
Guests: A.J. Trombetta, Gunnar Vega, Jan Santos, Samantha Ramey, Jill Moyer
1. CALL TO ORDER, INTRODUCTIONS & APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY MINUTES: Kris Wilson called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM. Motion to approve February minutes was made by Marianne Neufeld and seconded by Tom Buckley.
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each)
Jan Santos, Deputy Director, Parks and Rec., City of Santa Rosa brought up the Depot Park project that had been discussed years ago and interest to renew plans for Depot Park/art project. A meeting will be scheduled with Jim and Curt to discuss the scope of a future project and any funding opportunities. Gunnar Vega offered to be a part of this project committee.
3. CONSENT ITEMS: No consent items
4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Mike Montague absent
4.1 District Updates
Kris Wilson gave an update on the focus and status of our web traffic which continues to perform well. Eric Van Cleave (TIV Marketing) and an associate will be reporting on our social media, website marketing strategies at the Spring Merchant Mixer to keep our merchants informed on what is being done to promote businesses in our district. We will be creating a new Facebook page to replace the one that was hacked. Amanda posts on Instagram several times a week and encourages merchants to help provide content with their events. Jim said it’s a good idea to let all merchants know about available space in RRSQ. Samantha Ramey with Americana suggested contracting a professional marketing person for social media. Other suggestions- engage merchants more, a video on “A Day in RRSQ”, solicit professional photos from merchants.
5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Kris Wilson/Amanda Janik
5.1 Board Member Term Review: Amanda reported that six board members will be at the end of their term in 2024 and encouraged all to keep her informed of their interest to remain on the board for another term (2 year) as we stay ahead of plans for next year. (They are: Pauline, Flo, Jim, Mike, Paul, and Theresa.)
5.2 Updates: Our Spring Clean-up Day, a collaborative event with the City Parks Department, is happening on Friday, April 5th from 8:30-noon. The City will be replenishing chips and helping with general weeding and cleaning of Depot Park.
Rafael reported on the Cal Ed 3-day Conference (April 10-12). They will be doing a walking tour route on April 11 down 4th Street to SR Plaza and downtown and Railroad Square between 2-4pm. The attendees will be staying at the Hyatt, and 90 are registered for the tour. Updated restaurant guides are being printed, and Amanda will distribute them to the RRSQ hotels. Jill Scott, City of SR EDD, is in charge of potholes and general clean-up, including power washing sidewalks. Rafael will alert merchants to be sure they are aware of the conference and the increased foot traffic during the conference.
6. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, treasurer
Assessment of additional planters to be purchased will be made after existing planters are replanted. Replanting is scheduled for April 2nd with African Daisies and succulents. She’ll ask Papillon Flower Shop if they can keep an eye on the planters as previous plants have been taken. More planters are in the budget. It was suggested to review the map of future planter locations. Results will be presented at next month’s meeting.
Marianne reported that the Montague Family fund will not be listed as an endowment but as a separate income line item. The 2023 tax return has been prepared and will be sent to all board members for review. There are no budget surprises.
7.1 Tree Removal/replacement – Mike/Curt.
An Update on encroachment permitting requirements and project schedule is pending Mike’s return from vacation.
7.2 4th Street Lighting project – Rafael/Curt
In Curt’s absence, No update on the status. Kris has reached out to the City regarding any other requirements to finalize permitting. It was suggested to ask for an updated bid from the contractor. We hope to have the lights up before Fall.
7.3 Window Display/Utility Boxes – Dee/Paul/Pauline
Dee reported that the new window displays will coordinate with our website/social media design and will include our QR code.
Designs, graphic ideas are being explored for Utility boxes. Dee asked for any suggestions or attractive graphics examples. Jim suggested a professionally created stencil that could be easily repainted if needed. Themes suggested could include a train, black and red colors like the RRSQ logo, a slogan, colorful, our logo, hire a professional graphic designer. Dee brought up Art Start as an option to consider participating in this project.
7.4 Security – Tom
Plants are being stolen from the planters. Jim said that network surveillance would be great as there’s been an uptick in graffiti. Rafael will have an update regarding the possibility of City graffiti removal assistance on private property since the City has funds targeted. It involves having supplies available to remove it quickly. Jim would like the City to be able to assist with graffiti that is placed in higher and more difficult to access places. There is a meeting on April 27th at 2:00 PM at Hotel E to get feedback from hotels. Rafael volunteered to follow up.
7.5 Marketing
Tom reported that the marketing committee has met and discussed ways to improve our identity and coordinate our branding with SMART. Kris is getting costs for a second SMART platform ad. The committee will review our marketing budget and look at where to target our efforts.
7.6 Events – Dee/Kris
Volunteer Clean-up Day Depot Park is happening on Friday, April 5, 8:30 – 12.30 pm.
The Spring Merchant Mixer is on Thursday, April 18th from 5-7pm at the Visitors Center with Paradise Sushi providing appetizers.
The Classic Car Display will be on Sunday, April 21st from 11-3 in Depot Park. Danielle has offered to assist with any parking needs in the plaza.
7.7 Business Development Initiative – No report
8. Other Discussion/Updates
Noelle reported that currently 30 Wayfinding signs from the DAO/Downtown Action Organization and that they differ from our RRSQ wayfinding signs. Noelle expressed her concerns regarding the City’s plans and updated sign ordinance that is going before City council on Tuesday, March 26th. Kris plans to be in attendance. Kris noted that we have received support from City staff, Gabe Osborn on our project. She asked to be at any upcoming meetings with Gabe.
Kris and Amanda have been meeting with City representatives, the Mission, etc to introduce Amanda. In addition, the Mission has agreed to help with weekly streetscape clean-up.
9. ADJOURNMENT: Kris Wilson adjourned the meeting at 10:15 AM