RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, November 16, 2023    

8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room: 175 Railroad St. (In Person Meeting) 

Attendees: Mike Montague, Paul Quattrocchi, Pauline Block, Marianne Neufeld, Curt Nichols, Florine Ellingson, Rafael Rivero, Kris Wilson. Per ZOOM: Noelle Hermann, Jim McCalligan, Dayna Irvine,

Absent: Dee Richardson, Theresa Tomassi

Guests: A.J. Trombetta, Mark Trombetta, Lee Wright, Jill Moyer, Mary Gwen Neisingh, Ellen Bowen,
Ann Gallentine.


1. CALL TO ORDER, INTRODUCTIONS, & APPROVAL OF OCTOBER MEETING MINUTES President, Mike Montague, called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. Motion to approve August’s minutes with one correction to item 7.4 made by Curt Nichols and seconded by Pauline Block. Correction: Flo reported that sidewalk repair in front of Chevy’s will take place on November 13.

2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each)
A.J. Trombetta gave update on sidewalk repair in front of Chevy’s which has been pushed out to January due to a City moratorium on construction projects. 


4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague

4.1 District Updates/Security – Mike met with Sgt. Tim Barrett regarding security issues. A grant was received to cover downtown officers, so there will be an increase in presence in RRSQ. We hope to meet with the Infierno Cantina owners to discuss solutions to after hour issues. New graffiti has appeared on 5th Street.

4.2 Website SEO Update – Working well with good results. Mike says that the money being spent is sufficient for now. We may increase dollars to the website for next year.

5. ED REPORT – Kris Wilson  

5.1 Marketing and Event Update – A collaborative holiday campaign is in the works with RRSQ, SR Plaza and downtown. A holiday activity poster and postcards will be distributed to RRSQ merchants. The Redwood Empire Food Bank will be holding a food drive on December 10th 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM. The Montague Family will be using their billboard on 101 to promote the holiday activities. Wreaths will be delivered to all RRSQ merchants as a holiday thank you from the Association. The City parking department will be sending “Meter Fairies” over Thanksgiving weekend to fill expired parking meters for shoppers.

5.2 Executive Director Position Job Search Update – The position has been posted on Zip Recruiter and Linked in. Kris said most responses are from Zip Recruiter and Marianne offered to assist in applicant review with Kris.

6. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld:

6.1 2024 Budget – Marianne reviewed the 2023-line items and proposed adjustments for 2024. We are carrying over $225,000 from the 2023 budget in to 2024. Marianne is looking for ways generate more interest in our savings account. There was a motion to approve the budget. Curt approved and Rafael seconded. Motion was carried.


7.1 Planter Box Project – Marianne Neufeld

Paul and Mike will place planters against buildings on Monday, November 20th and they will be planted that 

day. There are 14 planters now, and 14 more will be added in three to four months. Other planter containers 

are not allowed. Ongoing maintenance is to be determined. The new planters will give a clean, more uniform

look to the district.

7.2 4th Street Lighting Project – Curt Nichols/Rafael Rivero
Curt was finally successful in talking with the city traffic engineer regarding pole safety. Kevin Zucco identified details which he’ll provide to Rob Sprinkle. Example: thickness of metal etc. The cable that runs along 4th Street will be removed by the City. We don’t have an installer yet and Rafael is in process of getting an updated bid.  Discussion to keep $60,000 in budget to cover costs. Rafael will push for a meeting with DC Electric to revisit the bid. Pauline said permit fees could be higher than expected. The goal is to get the overhead street lighting up in 2024. Electrician, Jason Krist came to Depot Park and will make corrections to malfunctioning lighting on the wrapped trees. Damage is due to vandalism. He is also working on a solution to light the palm tree. Art behind the Hyatt Hotel is beautiful and needs to be more visible. Paul called the city about street lights and they are working much better now, especially in parking structures under the freeway.

7.3 Tree Removal/Replacement Update – Mike Montague/Jim McCalligan

Mike, Jim, and Kris met with the tree company for a walk-around to evaluate which trees need to be 

removed/replaced. An inventory of needs will be created for work to be done as a multi-phase project.

7.4 2024 Board Nominations – 
Danielle Nelson with the Santa Rosa Plaza is happy to be asked to be on the board. Kris will send out proposed slate for board approval.

8. Other Discussion/Updates:

a. Window Display Map Project. The outdated district maps are being replaced. Paul will get size specifications to Pauline. Dee and Pauline are working on the project.

b. Kris has been in touch with Cal Trans who owns the property where there is an encampment 

on Davis at the base of the freeway exit. Cal Trans has removed the overgrowth brush and is working to get the encampment removed. 

c. Pauline – Gave a brief update of Park and Rec development fees and how they are to be specifically spent within the districts. Pauline is on the working group with City, Parks and Downtown and will keep us apprised of RRSQ specific discussions. She will be sending the list of downtown priorities on which Depot Park is high. Meeting pending with Jim, Curt and Pauline to propose ideas for improvements to Depot Park.

Cornerstone Properties to update their marketing package which Pauline will present at our December meeting.

d. Prince Greenway Meeting – Mike met with the GM and Manager from the Hyatt Hotel who are eager to get more involved with the Association and RRSQ district projects.

e. Rafael – City Report: Rafael reported EDD staff changes at the City.
Raissa De la Rosa has taken a position with Marin County and we will miss the support she has given to RRSQ. Tara Thompson is also leaving for the Creative Sonoma County Program.  There have also been staff changes in the Parks & Rec department. 

9. ADJOURNMENT – Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:00 AM.