RRSQ Board Association Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 17, 2022
8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hybrid in person and ZOOM
Attendees: Hugh Futrell, Dee Richardson, Curt Nichols, Jim McCalligan, Rafael Rivero, Kris Wilson
Board members per Zoom: Hardeep Gill, Noelle Hermann, Mike Montague,
Absent: Theresa Tomassi, Marianne Neufeld, Paul Quattrocchi
Guests: Michelle Olson, Lydia Ferguson, Holly Flood, Jill Moyer
Guests per Zoom: Pauline Block, Geoffrey Smith
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: Vice President, Hugh Futrell called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM. Motion to approve October’s minutes – Curt Nichols seconded by Dayna Irvine
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each) None
4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague/Hugh Futrell
4.1 District Updates/Security
Mike reported that seven streetlights are out, and Rafael will contact City staff for their replacement or repair in a couple of weeks. It was noted that with the cold weather, loitering has decreased.
a. Caritas/Homeless Impact/ Hugh
Downtown is seeing an increase of vagrants which counts for many incidents. We can expect this will impact our district as well. The City attorney is responsible for infractions and repeat offenders. Geoffrey Smith from the Bike Peddler shared that he is seeing greater presence on the streets. With the new police chief, morale is 50% higher and the chief is looking for political support for changes. New officers are being trained and hired. Hugh asked for a resolution to be adopted to create stronger voices from RRSQ, neighborhoods and the DAO with more intervention from Catholic Charities. Mike moved to pass a resolution which was seconded by Curt and approved. Hugh will be our liaison, and Mike offered to represent the RRSQ Association. Hugh voiced the need for more coordination between our two districts and the item will be added to our agenda. It was suggested to invite SR Chief of Police, John Cregan to a future meeting that would include RRSQ merchants.
4.2 2022 Project Focus and 2023 Goals
President Mike asked to leave this for the next meeting and asked the board to be thinking about what goals are attainable for next year.
5. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, treasurer
Kris Wilson said that $9,000 in fees still need to be collected and a letter of demand is pending. Financials were reviewed and it’s encouraging that we do have funds to move forward with projects.
6. SECRETARY REPORT – Dee Richardson
6.1 Nominating committee update
Kris Wilson for Dee: We have new names interested in joining our board as well as ad hoc committee members. All will be presented to the board at the December meeting.
7.1 ED Activity update/Events: Holiday marketing includes KZST coop ads, the Press Democrat event calendar, and an ad in the Bohemian. Website event postings are being updated as needed. Kris also provided an update from the City regarding the Shared Mobility Device program; there were no comments or concerns about the program.
7.2 Holiday Plans: Horse & Carriage rides begin on Saturday, November 26th and continue on the weekends through Christmas Eve. Holiday music will be in Depot Park every weekend. “Santa Rosa Claus” Sleigh with free photos at the Depot on December 4th and we’ve partnered with the Sonoma County Food Bank for a food drive in Depot Park on December 10th.
8.1 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage – Noelle Herman
Installation is stalled due to City Design Review issues, and we are waiting for final clearance. Hugh has been in communication with Clare Hartman for a temporary use permit to install the poles as a pilot program. A case planner will be assigned to develop language in the City code. Hugh will prepare an application for the pilot program as language needs to be carefully crafted. More information to follow as we try to move this long-awaited project forward.
8.2 Lighting – Hardeep Gill/Rafael Rivero: the committee met with Jason Krist from Krist Electrical, and there are two draft proposals which were presented to Gabe Osborn for approval. Jason will be providing an updated cost proposal. We do have additional money available if needed.
8.3 Tree / Sidewalk Repair Report – Jim McCalligan/Florine Ellingson: A map is pending per Curt indicating areas of needed repair/replacement.
8.4 Project Review Committee. – Curt Nichols
A committee met a few weeks ago to discuss Clark’s Corner at 150 5th Street. The proposal is to build 35 apartments five stories high. There is concern about height, design, and lack of parking. It is felt that developers need to address parking and it is unlikely the project will happen. Jim asked about status of the John Steward project and an update on their plans. We’ll invite Michelle Gervais to a future board meeting to discuss updates and progress.
8.5 Street Cleaning / Trash receptacles – Paul Quattrocchi
Trash cans have been replaced. They do not have locks, but they could be added.
8.6 Street Banner update – Dee Richardson/Paul Quattrocchi
Banner project has been completed.
9. Announcements – Kris Wilson
The executive committee is working on plans for a board retreat to be held in January to plan and set goals for 2023. Date and information will be coming.
10. Adjournment – Vice President Hugh Futrell adjourned the meeting at 10:10 AM.
Next meeting: Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott