RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, September 15, 2022
8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hybrid in person and ZOOM DUE TO COVID
Attendees: Dayna Irvine, Hugh Futrell, Florine Ellingson, Marianne Neufeld, Jim McCalligan, Curt Nichols, Rafael Rivero, Paul Quattrocchi, Kris Wilson
Per ZOOM: Dee Richardson, Hardeep Gil
Absent: Mike Montague, Noelle Hermann, Theresa Thomassi
Guests: Greg Clark, Jill Moyer
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: In Mike Montague’s absence, Vice Chair Hugh Futrell called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. Motion to approve July and August minutes was made by Marianne Neufeld and seconded by Curt Nichols.
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each)
Greg Clark is the owner of 5th & Davis and proposing the building of 35 units above commercial space. More information can be found online. There is a preliminary meeting of the Cultural Heritage board on 9/15 by Zoom at 4:30. The Association may weigh in at later date.
3. CONSENT ITEMS – No consent items
4.1 District Updates: Saved for committee reports
4.2 2022 goals will remain on the agenda for future discussion. Marianne brought up idea of installing new planters and flowers around the Square.
5. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, Treasurer, reviewed financials.
6. SECRETARY REPORT – Dee Richardson.
6.1. We are looking to fill one empty space on the board. Mike is retiring after 2023 and Hugh’s term will end this year. Marianne has agreed to serve for two more years. We have 13 members on the board, an intentionally odd number. Members with expired term can be renominated.
7.1 ED Activity update/Events. We have received $5000 for holiday event sponsorship from Columbia Bank. Kris will be submitting a grant request to the City of SR for the Carriage Rides. The September 11th music stroll was well attended with great energy and participation from the Humane Society of Sonoma County. The last music stroll is scheduled for Sunday, October 9th from 1-4pm. Future events are in the works for a merchant mixer on Tuesday, November 8th and free holiday concert on Sunday, December 4th. Kris is working with the Visitors Center for collaboration opportunities. Marketing plans include SMART platform ads and new radio coop ads starting in October. Kris encouraged the project committee/board to attend the Cultural Heritage board meeting on the Clark’s Corner project. The joint executive/nominating committee will meet on October 13th to prepare to present the slate of 2023 board members.
Other projects: Depot Park signage: Kris presented the proposed signage artwork from the City to the Board for approval. Suggested changes will be sent back to the Parks department for review and implementation. New Restaurant guides and emergency contact cards have been updated and are being distributed to our merchants.
8.1 Security – Mike Montague
Mike is staying in touch with the Community Kitchen as we’ve learned that they have been operating without a permit since the 1980s. Kris encouraged all to continue to notify the SRPD regarding vagrancy issues. The city is working on an ordinance regarding vagrancy and articles left behind. Hugh says city is also working on homeless occupying publics spaces.
8.2 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage – Noelle Hermann. Kris reported that the Wayfinding project is in production and has been in contact with Signarama. Installation date has yet to be confirmed.
8.3 Tree/Sidewalk Repair Report – Jim McCalligan/Florine Ellingson –
The tree trimming project is complete. Curt reported that a sidewalk map is pending but is all marked on the ground and photographed. Some areas will require tree removal. The map will define areas with accessibility requirements. Marianne reported that we spent almost $31,000 for the tree project which is over our budget. We don’t expect to need that amount for next year.
8.4 Project Review Committee – Curt Nichols
Paul had some suggestions about the proposed new Depot Park sign, and others weighed in. Kris will email suggestions to Scott Wilkinson and Jen Santos.
8.5 Lighting – Hardeep/Raphael Rivero
Hardeep reached out to a lighting contractor in Arizona regarding a project there. That project cost $100,000 for one block. Santa Rosa could cost more and require an engineer. We will explore possibility of using existing wires. Raphael and Kris met with Jason Krist (Krist Electrical) to review possibilities on 4th Street, and we are waiting for his suggestions and proposal. It was suggested to continue the lighting design used coming from the mall onto 4th street for aesthetic continuity. Another concept is to include rooftop facade lighting. Dee said that the north side of 4th Street was never completed. Jason felt that a power source could be a big issue. Paul and Rafael were recently in San Rafael and were impressed with the crisscross lighting installed there. Rafael offered to reach out to them and find out more about costs and who did the work.
8.6 Street Cleaning / Trash Receptacles – Paul Quattrocchi.
Paul walked the district with staff from Bright view to review areas that need more attention. We have a credit of 8 hours of power washing due to problem with the water shortage. We will look at ideas to use the credit such as planting flowers, put in bark around the trees etc. to improve the look of the area. Paul talked to Tim Finnigan regarding replacing more of the old trashcans with the new receptacles. Tim was going to see about possibly swapping out new ones for the old ones.
8.7 Street Banner Update – Paul Quattrocchi: New Street banners have been received. We’re waiting for the installer, Miguel to schedule. Many brackets are old, breaking, and not working. Hopefully in the next month we’ll see them installed. There is also need to pull some tighter and make adjustments for them to hang straighter.
Kris announced the opening of Princess Boutique’s children’s shop, and Papillon, home goods and flower shop, which are coming soon on 4th Street. Raphael offered to invite the new city manager and/or Daryel Dunston, the new assistant city manager to a board meeting and will follow up.
10. ADJOURNMENT: Vice ChairHugh Futrell adjourned the meeting at 9:54 AM.
Next meeting is Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott